Although everyone's preference is different in our LinkedIn Poll, there are many reasons why a business owner would prefer a full-time employee over a freelancer. You might be thinking that hiring a freelancer is more beneficial for your business. However, this blog will explain why employers believe that hiring a full-time employee can help their business grow.

It's important to consider these twelve employers' reasons to hire full-time employees over freelancers when considering your next hire.
Full-time employees help in retaining exceptional talents

That is not the case with freelancers. They might be exceptional at what they do, but you don't control where they go after hiring them for your company. If they happen to leave your company for another job opportunity, then your company will suffer from the loss of their talent and expertise.
The chances are that they will move on to another job, and you will never find someone who can replace what they offer.
Full-Time employees generate higher ROI

In fact, according to a survey from Paychex, small business owners realize this quite often. Over half of them said they would prefer to hire a full-time employee over a freelancer for their company.
Why? Because when you hire a full-time employee, you're building a relationship with a worker dedicated to your company. That means he will be more committed to seeing your business succeed and work harder to further that goal.
Full-Time employees mitigate risks

So, you don't guarantee that he will share your priorities with you; The freelancer may think that your essential project "in your opinion" will hurdle him from completing more projects that may generate greater profits and pursue work methods not align with professional trends.
Full-Time employees build stronger client relationships

Not because full-time workers are more reliable than freelancers; Both must have the same qualities.
But the most significant difference: the relationships between employees and their clients are more profound and more fundamental than the relationships between freelancers and clients.
The reason is simple: the employee always spends more time with the client!
Full-Time employees create a solid knowledge base

A knowledge base is not just an accumulation of stuff in people's heads; it includes essential documents and reports and procedures and so on. This information tends to get lost when people leave.
Full-Time employees unify the company culture

Even worse, they may not even be aware of what your company's specific brand image is. Representing your company's brand image well is crucial because first impressions are everything when attracting new clients.
If you hire full-time employees, you will be able to create a unified system of message delivery. Even if all the employees don't understand immediately how they contribute to the overarching message, they will still be able to realize that there is one.
Full-Time employees stick to the company personal property policy

On the other hand, freelancers are usually looking for new clients and are willing to share the company's confidential information with them even without being asked to do so. They intend to impress their future clients by telling them about the confidential information they have access to.
This behavior of freelancers can lead to significant problems for companies. For instance, if a freelancer has access to confidential information of one company and discloses it to another company, both companies can suffer significant losses.
Full-time employees Are less expensive, in the long term

Is this because they don't get paid for sick days or vacations? No, it's because they will be more productive. There is a learning curve in most jobs, and a new employee starts slow and picks up speed over time, reaching their plateau of productivity after a few months.
A freelancer has no incentive to stick around long enough to reach that level of productivity; once they've done the work you hired them for, they're gone.
On the other hand, when you work with freelancers, you have to pay them hourly or daily, and this can get expensive if you have a lot of work for them to do. Furthermore, some freelancers charge for travel time, which can add up quickly depending on where they live.
Full-time employees train easier

Full-time Employees Have a more considerable commitment to the company

Hence, we can say that hiring a full-time employee is more beneficial because they have the stability and commitment to the company.
Full-time employees have a more structured relationship with the company

Full-time employee salaries are easier to manage

Whereas when it comes to full-time employees, you have to assign the employee, assign tasks, and only give a fixed monthly salary.
Everyone hires what their organization needs, whether you are looking for full-time employees, freelancers, or even part-time employees...we have everything you need!