drjobs Laundry Team Leader - Qatar Airways English

Laundry Team Leader - Qatar Airways

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1 وظيفة شاغرة
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الدوحة - قطر

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عدد الوظائف الشاغرة

1 وظيفة شاغرة

الوصف الوظيفي

As Laundry Team Leader within Qatar Aircraft Catering Company (QACC) you will be responsible for ensuring that flight linen was packed according to QR Standards and ready for dispatch. You will be handling resources for best possible productivity. You will lead a team for preparation of QR other Airlines Amiri Flights Crew trainings etc. Also generate considerable amount of documentation from Material Request Linen request Shift report Obsolete record Accident/Incident reports. You will be responsible to follow and implement operational changes as guided by the Line Manager.
  • Responsible to allocate junior team members which are further fragmented into smaller teams for various linen packing tasks and to provide work plan and instructions for them.
  • Responsible to prepare work plan for the shift based on the Daily Working Schedule.
  • Brief team on the changes and requirements to keep them up to date.
  • Disseminate information to the team and forwards information to his up line in a timely manner.
  • Responsible to ensure proper recycling of linen product to minimize wastage.
  • Responsible to analyses the Linen stock availability and suggest the quantity to request from stores.
  • Responsible to check the arrival inventory of Other Airlines and withdraw sufficient stock from backup store.
  • Involve during aircraft changes/service changes and ensure timely completion of the required change and delivered to the Service delivery team.
  • Records all operational handover sheets and necessary data to achieve 100% standard uplift as per Airline requirements.
  • Ensure the highest level of quality linen product is packed and delivered to flights.
  • Maintain hygiene of working areas at all times to avoid FOB (Foreign Objects) passage to any linen item.
Be part of an extraordinary story
Your skills. Your imagination. Your ambition. Here there are no boundaries to your potential and the impact you can make. Youll find infinite opportunities to grow and work on the biggest most rewarding challenges that will build your skills and experience. You have the chance to be a part of our future and build the life you want while being part of an international community. Our best is here and still to come. To us impossible is only a challenge. Join us as we dare to achieve whats never been done before. Together everything is possible.

An ideal candidate will meet below qualifications and experience:

  • High School Qualification / Vocational Qualification / Diploma or equivalent / Bachelors Degree
  • Minimum 2 year of relevant experience
  • Possess specialized knowledge of different types of linen & textiles latest updates to pack all QR flights
  • Have good knowledge and exposure of various linen and related products used in Airline industry
  • Basic Knowledge of Microsoft Office applications
  • Conversant with operations of Laundry Department
  • Able to work with minimum supervision
  • Knowledge of GLP (Galley Loading Plan) and linen packing
  • Communication on wireless radio operation Ramp safety awareness
  • Goods spoken and written English

About Qatar Airways Group
Our story started with four aircraft. Today we deliver excellence across 12 different businesses coming together as one. Weve grown fast broken records and set trends that others follow. We dont slow down by the fear of failure. Instead we dare to achieve whats never been done before.
So whether youre creating a unique experience for our customers or innovating behind the scenes every person contributes to our proud story. A story of spectacular growth and determination. Now is the time to bring your best ideas and passion to a place where your ambition will know no boundaries and be part of a truly global community.

How to apply
If youre ready to transform how millions of global users connect explore and transact then apply now by uploading your CV and completing our quick application form.
This job has been sourced from an external job board.
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إخلاء المسؤولية: د.جوب هو مجرد منصة تربط بين الباحثين عن عمل وأصحاب العمل. ننصح المتقدمين بإجراء بحث مستقل خاص بهم في أوراق اعتماد صاحب العمل المحتمل. نحن نحرص على ألا يتم طلب أي مدفوعات مالية من قبل عملائنا، وبالتالي فإننا ننصح بعدم مشاركة أي معلومات شخصية أو متعلقة بالحسابات المصرفية مع أي طرف ثالث. إذا كنت تشك في وقوع أي احتيال أو سوء تصرف، فيرجى التواصل معنا من خلال تعبئة النموذج الموجود على الصفحة اتصل بنا