ALyasmine ALdawlia

About ALyasmine ALdawlia

COMPANY is a leading provider of goods and services to the Oil & Gas Sectors, Construction and Defense Industries... COMPANY is managed & operated by a group of professionals having vast experience and proven track record of over 30 years in facilitating Projects Management, Execution, and Procurement & Supplies of Equipment, Accessories, Spare Parts & Building Materials. COMPANY is an ISO 9001:2008 & OSHAS 18001:2007 certified company established in 1993 having extensive experience, expertise and good track record of providing services and supplies to the core sectors of Oil & Gas, Exploration & Drilling, Refineries, Petrochemical Industries, Power/Electrical Plants, Water Treatment – Desalination – Sewage Treatment Plants, Government Ministries, Local Contractors, and international EPC Contractors etc.