مؤسسة الاقراض الزراعي/الادارة العامة

About مؤسسة الاقراض الزراعي/الادارة العامة

The Agricultural Credit Corporation, which was established in 1959, is considered one of the oldest state institutions. It is an extension of the Jordanian Agricultural Bank, which was established in 1921 during the era of the Emirate of East Jordan, and whose assets and other funds and departments were later transferred to the Agricultural Credit Corporation after unifying the lending sources. It contributed to The Jordanian agricultural development process has been carried out efficiently and competently by providing financing services to the agricultural sector, as the total loans granted by the Foundation during its blessed journey from the beginning of its work in 1960 until the end of the year 2022 amounted to about (965) million Jordanian dinars, from which about (285) thousand farmers benefited. A borrower, as a contribution to the growth and development of the agricultural sector, increasing production and improving it quantitatively and qualitatively, and raising the standard